
Understanding AI's impact on society


As the influence of AI crosses nearly all marketing funnels, there's a mounting concern about its potential to replace genuine human interaction.


The rapid rise of AI adoption across industries is reshaping how companies operate, communicate, compete, and innovate by automating tasks, making real-time, data-driven decisions, enhancing customer service, and solving problems that were once assumed unsolvable.

Artificial intelligence is undeniably present and future of today's technology-driven world. The market value for AI technologies is projected to surpass more than 1.8 trillion USD by 2030. Currently, 90% of technology executives use AI, and 80% plan to invest more in AI in the coming years.

The power of AI is immense, with the potential to revolutionize virtually every aspect of human life, including healthcare, transportation, education, retail, and beyond. Consequently, AI is becoming increasingly important for society, making it imperative for businesses to acknowledge and address the ethical implications associated with its proliferation.

A recent survey conducted by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and its Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture (ITEC) sheds light on the widespread concern surrounding AI ethics. It revealed that 82% of Americans care about AI ethics, two-thirds are concerned about AI's impact on the human race, and over half (55%) believe AI companies are not addressing ethics when developing AI.

While AI offers significant advantages and endless possibilities to improve how we work and live, its potential to amplify social biases necessitates proactive measures to develop ethical and responsible AI systems.


The threat of AI bias

AI bias occurs when machine learning algorithms produce unfair or prejudiced results due to human biases encoded in the algorithms or training data. These flawed algorithms result in skewed outcomes that disproportionately impact specific groups or individuals based on race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

The potential consequences of AI bias are far-reaching, posing significant challenges and risks across various realms of society. Dr. Adnan Masood, UST's Chief AI Architect, comments on the severity of the issue, "The biggest challenge humanity faces from AI is the self-perpetuating bias at the heart of its algorithms…which can have devastating impacts on health, job opportunities, access to information, and even democracy."


How to mitigate AI bias

When addressing AI bias, businesses can benefit from the suggestions below to avoid human biases while ensuring the transparency, accountability, explainability, and trustworthiness of their AI systems:

Develop systems to detect and mitigate bias in AI algorithms.

Ensure AI applications do not perpetuate or exacerbate social inequalities.

Consider the legal and reputational risks of biased AI systems.


AI and the challenge of authenticity

AI plays a pivotal role in marketing by leveraging data-driven insights and automation to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and personalization across marketing functions, such as content creation, marketing automation, and customer communications.

As the influence of AI crosses nearly all marketing funnels, there's a mounting concern about its potential to replace genuine human interaction. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining authenticity, UST's Chief Marketing Officer Leslie Schultz comments, "AI's potential is huge. But it lacks the one major element: the human touch." Schultz adds, "While AI can optimize engagement, it must not replace the human elements that foster genuine connections with consumers. AI can quickly generate content, but it's essential to maintain a balance where it supports rather than replaces human creativity."

Refrain from neglecting human connection in customer-facing roles like marketing, which can be detrimental, leading to a loss of trust and brand loyalty. In AI marketing, the biggest challenge will be balancing the efficiency gains from AI with the need for authentic human interaction.


Maintaining authenticity in AI marketing

Before businesses dive into all that AI marketing offers, they should consider maintaining authenticity and preserving brand identity. These suggestions can help:

Balance efficiency gains from AI with the need for genuine human interaction.

Use AI to enhance customer engagement without compromising brand authenticity.

Monitor customer feedback to adjust AI strategies that may detract from user experience.



The age of AI is upon us, touching and improving nearly every aspect of industries, workforce, and society. Though AI marketing offers substantial efficiency and personalization gains, balancing these advantages with the need for real human interaction while promoting transparency, accountability, and fairness in responsible AI development is essential.

Responsible AI, particularly in customer-facing fields like marketing, requires a thoughtful approach and proactive mechanisms to address self-perpetuating and harmful human biases encoded in AI algorithms and training data that can skew outcomes that disproportionately impact specific groups or individuals.

By addressing AI bias effectively and balancing AI tools with the human element, companies can ensure that AI technologies contribute to positive social impact and advance the principles of equity, justice, and inclusion in society.

At UST, we take AI's impact on society seriously and relentlessly, and we encourage you to join us in our commitment to regulating AI for fairness and equality. Learn more here —>


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