
Modernizing Retail: Embracing AI and Composable Strategies

Andy Knowles, VP of Retail, UST

Learn how AI and composable strategies are transforming retail, driving innovation, and enhancing customer experiences.

Andy Knowles
VP of Retail, UST

In this ever-evolving retail landscape, the fusion of innovation and practical application is not just beneficial—it's imperative for survival and growthHaving observed the transformative impact of AI applications in retail stores and the benefits of composable commerce on the retail landscape over my 30 years of experience, it's clear that these approaches are revolutionizing the industry.


Understanding the retail landscape

Changing consumer expectations and rapid technological advancements are compelling retailers to innovate and deliver personalized shopping experiences more quickly than ever. This shift has transformed our approach, as customers increasingly demand experiences that benefit them.

As we navigate this shift, enhancing the physical store experience remains a major challenge and investment. Simultaneously, there's a growing trend towards developing bespoke solutions rather than off-the-shelf software, allowing tailored services that quickly adapt to consumer trends and effectively meet customer needs.

Adopting cloud solutions for retail businesses has significantly altered our IT strategies, enhancing our agility and fostering retail innovation. For example, the rapid development of new capabilities like cloud has driven significant changes, allowing for scalability and quicker deployment of new services.

This journey is not just about responding to changes—it's about anticipating and shaping them, using technology to meet and anticipate customer needs, thereby defining the future of retail.


A pragmatic approach to AI deployment

AI in retail technology has transcended being merely a technological tool; it is a strategic necessity that drives digital transformation. I've found that the best approach is to start by identifying the problems we need to solve and then figure out how AI applications in retail stores might solve those problems, emphasizing that AI must be deployed with clear, purposeful intent.

A pragmatic approach to AI deployment prioritizes immediately applicable solutions with tangible benefits. For example, AI-powered inventory management dynamically adjusts stock levels using internal and external data sources, revolutionizing supply chain efficiency and ensuring product availability when needed.

We can use AI to modernize retail to enhance customer engagement with more personalized and responsive experiences. Adopting a "trial-and-learn" approach is crucial, as well as experimenting in a controlled environment to test new ideas. Successful trials quickly advance it to production while others are discontinued, ensuring our AI usage is agile, risk-managed, and aligned with our business objectives.

Integrating AI complements our human talent, enriching job roles and enhancing job satisfaction. AI deployment must be focused, integrated, and scalable to align with and advance our business goals.


Balancing innovation with practicality

Implementing AI solutions requires a robust framework that supports innovation and ensures practicality within existing IT infrastructure. If it's not working, or if it's going to be too complicated, it's about parking it and trying something more manageable. This ensures that while we pursue innovative solutions, we do not over-complicate our systems or create new challenges that outweigh the benefits of the technology.

This balanced approach involves closely monitoring AI integration to enhance rather than disrupt operations. Adopting a data-first strategy with a composable architecture while prioritizing customer needs enables us to leverage high-quality and accessible data to inform strategic decisions and align technology with our goals.

By strategically deploying AI, we ensure that our investments drive substantial business value, improving customer interactions and streamlining operations. Meanwhile, composable strategies provide the flexibility required to adapt and innovate, ensuring our infrastructure evolves as quickly as the market demands.


Exploring composable strategies in retail

Composable strategies foster a dynamic, creative environment where processes are deconstructed into smaller, harmonious components. This shift from a singular solution to assembling optimal components allows retailers to cater precisely to customer needs while staying agile and competitive.

These strategies boost operational flexibility and scalability, enabling retailers to rapidly adapt and upgrade technology in line with emerging retail trends. This allows for solutions specifically tailored to organizational needs, fostering continual innovation. Retailers no longer need to find the closest fit or "suite" of solutions from a particular vendor. Instead, they can now assemble the ideal fit from innovative partners while building their differentiated elements, removing many of the compromises they currently have to make.

Implementing composable strategies requires understanding an organization's goals and existing technological landscape and assessing current infrastructure to enhance flexibility with modular components. Retailers can then quickly deploy minor, focused upgrades or new functionalities without disrupting their legacy system, making testing new ideas more accessible and scaling successful initiatives.

The importance of composable strategies will increase as they become crucial for staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market. They enable quick adaptation and ongoing innovation, providing a competitive edge by meeting changing consumer demands.

At UST, we leverage these strategies in our AI-driven projects to demonstrate their significant benefits and potential in modernizing retail operations.

Optimizing warehouse operations
We used AI-driven predictive analytics for a major UK retailer to enhance warehouse efficiency and order fulfillment, boosting customer satisfaction and cutting costs through better demand forecasting and stock placement. This efficient AI deployment quickly improved fulfillment.

Enhancing customer service with AI
Another project integrated AI into a leading retailer's customer service. We used natural language processing to efficiently handle inquiries and improve response times, freeing staff to address more complex issues. The result was a more responsive customer service framework that significantly boosted customer satisfaction.

Rapid e-commerce enhancement with composable strategies
When facing a surge in online demand, we quickly leveraged composable strategies for a leading retailer. By rapidly integrating advanced analytics and personalization into their e-commerce platform, we enhanced customer experience and increased operational efficiency.


Integrating pragmatic AI and composable strategies is essential for navigating the advancing retail landscape. At UST, our retail modernization approach proactively helps our clients position themselves at the forefront of shaping retail's digital future.

By adopting these advanced strategies, retailers can effectively address today's market complexities and position themselves as pioneers of retail innovation. Our commitment to driving tangible results and our deep understanding of the retail industry ensures that our collaboration is a step towards transformative success.

Learn more about UST solutions for retailers here.