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Case study

DevOps and microservices helped U.S. financial services company modernize legacy application

DevOps and microservices helped a U.S. financial services company modernize its legacy application, reduce development efforts by 75%, and significantly boost productivity.


This American financial services company was founded more than 100 years ago. Today, the company serves millions of businesses, consumers, and financial institutions with a broad range of services that generate nearly $1 billion in annual revenue.


Needed to replace aging, monolithic application with a flexible, modern solution

One of the client’s core technology systems was nearing its end. Company leaders wanted to replace the application with a state-of-the-art, web-based solution that could scale to keep pace with growth. They wanted it to be compatible with a modern application infrastructure ecosystem and meet customer expectations for an intuitive, easy-to-navigate, mobile-friendly user experience.


Implemented agile DevOps ecosystem and modern microservices application

The project team kicked off the engagement with a comprehensive discovery effort to understand the functionality, workflows, and interdependencies of the legacy application. Then, the team implemented an automated DevOps ecosystem using Jenkins, Kubernetes, and containers to facilitate continuous software development. With flexibility in mind, the project team designed the application with microservices and APIs, separating the modular user interface functionality from the back-end database and business logic using wrapper and .NET Core APIs.

The team embedded tools like Tosca, SonarQube, and Checkmarx to streamline and automate code testing. With the end-to-end software development framework in place, the project team followed a phased approach to rapidly release and iterate core and custom application functionality.


Enhanced customer experience and improved developer productivity

The financial services company replaced its monolithic legacy application with a user-friendly, mobile-responsive system designed to keep pace with an evolving business landscape and consumer expectations. The modern microservices application architecture and DevOps development approach contributed to: